
This Month In Marketing: AI Tools To The Marketing Rescue (June 2024)

With AI capabilities and conveniences being discovered nearly every day, marketers are making the most of the tools and technology at their disposal. Here’s all the news and trends you need to know to keep you propelling forward.

Personal Touch

A new study reveals that while almost a quarter of marketers rate their personalization as “best in class,” 71% find it “somewhat successful.” The study emphasizes the importance of understanding strategies for advancing personalization programs. Most respondents believe AI can enhance predictive analytics (55%) and dynamic content creation (54%), with 69% expecting AI to impact personalization significantly. Challenges include a lack of skilled personnel (48%) and concerns about data privacy and technology complexity.

Feature Friendly

A recent study indicates that 24% of email marketers changed automation software last year, driven by a desire for new features. AI, particularly generative AI, is transforming email marketing platforms, with vendors incorporating it for segmentation and predictive analytics. Marketers prioritize having the best tools and evolving continuously to thrive in a competitive landscape.

Brand Disconnect

A new  report reveals a significant gap between brands’ understanding of customers and customers’ perceptions. Personalization is crucial, as 64% of customers would switch brands if experiences weren’t personalized. Despite brands’ confidence in AI’s engagement potential, customers remain skeptical. Still, AI integration yields benefits like improved satisfaction scores and better targeting.

Sponsored Spending Slowdown

A new study forecasts a $9.29 billion spend on social media sponsored content in the upcoming year, driven by recurring partnerships with creators. While growth is slightly slowing, investments are shifting towards long-term collaborations across multiple platforms. Amid concerns about declining consumer trust, marketers must leverage comprehensive software to analyze channel performance and maximize ROI.

Making Time

A survey reveals that most small businesses spend less than an hour daily on marketing, with 73% lacking confidence in their strategies. The report stresses the need for efficiency tools due to time constraints, with content creation being the most time-consuming task. Challenges like a lack of resources can be addressed with marketing software, like Mirabel Technologies’ Media Mate suite, which integrates advanced AI to enhance productivity and streamline operations.

Opt-Out Observations

New numbers highlight trends in unsubscribe requests, indicating shifts in geography, operating systems, browsers, and domains. Despite fluctuations in opt-out activity, email remains a dominant marketing channel. The data underscores the importance of understanding opt-out signals to optimize email campaigns for better engagement and reduced opt-out rates.

AI & Marketing Growth

A survey of CMOs reports continued AI success, with improvements in sales, customer satisfaction, and marketing costs. While generative AI usage remains low, companies integrating it face challenges like bias minimization and hardware investment. The research suggests a significant opportunity for increased sales, satisfaction, and savings through AI adoption.

An Offer Z Can’t Refuse

A new survey emphasizes the effectiveness of exclusive offers in targeting Gen Z consumers. Exclusive discounts significantly influence purchasing decisions and emotional connection with brands. Free shipping, free gifts, and occasional discounts are appealing offers. Interestingly, email and text/SMS are preferred communication channels over social media for receiving Gen Z offers, highlighting diverse marketing strategies.

Making An AI Impression

A recent survey by reveals that communications professionals view AI incorporation favorably, with only 23% holding a worsened view of firms utilizing AI. Similarly, only 20% view colleagues using generative AI negatively, indicating a changing perception towards AI-supported work.

More AI The Merrier

Research shows that B2B sales and marketing professionals primarily use generative AI for creating recurring customers, automating documentation, and marketing automation. High-growth firms leverage generative AI more effectively, resulting in significant cost savings and revenue growth.

AI Empowers Automation

A report highlights the prevalence and benefits of automation in marketing campaigns, with 84% of campaigns utilizing automation. Automation optimizes campaign performance and efficiency, with revenue generation being the most effective measure of success. Marketers anticipate AI-driven hyper-personalization to have a significant impact on future automation trends.

Offsetting The Rising Costs

New numbers reveal an increase in cost per click and cost per lead, attributed to inflation and economic instability. Strategies to mitigate rising costs include running ads across multiple search engines, leveraging AI and automation, and prioritizing first-party data.

Confidence Boosters

A new report on B2B marketing outlook emphasizes the importance of a solid data strategy in boosting marketers’ confidence and driving revenue growth. Marketers believe in striking a balance between brand authenticity and AI innovation, with many seeing generative AI as a positive force for innovation and consistency.


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